Kyle Rego

Colorful particles and a crazy Sierpinski triangle

Anki add-ons

Anki magnifying glass adds a keyboard shortcut to Anki that makes the mouse cursor a magnified square of the Anki window at the position of the mouse cursor.

The Anki enumeration tool adds a flashcard making window to Anki which allows for quickly making a group of flashcards that together form an enumeration.

I wrote these while I was a medical student at Quinnipiac University. The magnifying glass was actually really nice for studying anatomy, and the enumeration tool was useful to remember things like the steps involved in physical exams (testing all of the cranial nerves for example).

Image of Anki Enumeration Tool
The Anki enumeration tool (small window)


AnkiBooks2 is a web application that I developed to learn Ruby on Rails. It allows users to register, log in, write books/articles, and generate/download Anki decks from the articles. There is a many-to-many relationship between users and books where a user can be an owner, editor, or reader of a book. Owners are able to share the book with others, lock articles from being edited, and control the public/private status of the book. Public books can be read without having to log in to the website. Articles support uploading images and the images download into the generated Anki decks. The application is no longer deployed since Heroku ended support for their free plan.

Front page of AnkiBooks2
The front page of AnkiBooks2
