Kyle Rego

Issue building Anki in WSL2

I had the following error trying to build and run Anki from source following the instructions in and using WSL2 with Ubuntu (using the ./run script after installing the recommended system dependencies):

qt warning: could not connect to display
qt info: could not load the qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
qt fatal: this application failed to start because no qt platform plugin could be initialized. reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I had this a few weeks ago trying to build Anki but couldn’t quite work out the solution then. There are a lot of threads about the same error but for different things and usually it involved installing missing packages.

Eventually what got it working for me was to follow the Microsoft documentation on running GUI apps in WSL2. Thinking about it, I use WSL2 a lot but the only app I use that has a GUI and WSL2 is VS Code (maybe Docker Desktop too). I think this is a special case though because VS Code involves the Remote-WSL extension which is different. After following the instructions in that documentation (a few simple steps of installing the GPU driver, updating WSL2, and doing a sudo apt update), the ./run did run Anki and I did not see the above Qt problems. I did see this stack trace that I had also seen before with the QT problem output though:

  File "/path_to_anki/anki/tools/", line 12, in <module>
  File "/path_to_anki/anki/qt/aqt/", line 503, in run
  File "/path_to_anki/anki/qt/aqt/", line 577, in _run
    pmLoadResult = pm.setupMeta()
  File "/path_to_anki/anki/qt/aqt/", line 139, in setupMeta
    res = self._loadMeta()
  File "/path_to_anki/anki/qt/aqt/", line 421, in _loadMeta
resetting corrupt _global

But when I closed Anki and invoked ./run a second time, I didn’t see the stack trace again.

This project is maintained by KyleRego