Previously I wrote a post on showing a Bootstrap modal when it is added to the DOM by a Turbo Frame. To recap that, the approach was to insert the Bootstrap modal into the DOM as a Turbo Frame, and then have this event listener in application.js
to show the modal:
Showing the modal causes some changes to the page such as the addition of <div class="modal-backdrop show"></div>
and the modal-open
class to the body. Previous features in my app were redirecting or reloading the page with the modal form submission which reset those changes.
However today I was working on a feature where the form modal submission resulted in a Turbo Stream response, replacing some element in the page, and also replacing the modal with this part in the Turbo Stream (the partial being rendered is a new Turbo Frame element ready to be replaced by another modal):
The problem with this was the modal was being removed from the DOM but the modal backdrop remained, which left a grey backdrop over everything after the modal was gone.
The solution I found, which I am not completely happy with as this depends very specifically on what features are using turbo frames and turbo streams, was to add this event listener in application.js
With this, just before the Turbo Stream replaces the modal in the DOM, the already shown modal instance is hidden which makes the changes removing the backdrop from the page.